Professional Assistance

When you need it most, professional help for your internal teams.

Many organisations struggle to locate qualified personnel. Today's skill pools are simply insufficient for many specialised professions. At PHG, we can offer customised secondments that give you access to professionals at the time and level you require.

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Talented Professionals

We provide qualified people in a variety of outsourced functions.

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Project management

When you need us the most, our secondment services can help you manage the project.

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Highest Quality

Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the greatest level of cover when you are suffering workforce shortages.

Service Features

We will create a package that is specific to your needs and goals. Many of our outsourced services are mirrored in our assistance, such as:

Accounting assistance

We will assist you with accounting assistance.

Financial reporting

We will assist you with Financial reporting

Tax compliance

We will assist you with regulatory and tax compliance.


What are the benefits of secondment?

A secondment normally entails a lot more responsibility in your new department—you'll most likely be joining a fairly small legal team of one of your firm's customers, rather than being surrounded by qualified lawyers. You'll be working with clients on a much more personal level, and you'll get to understand how the companies your firm works with operate. A secondment will not only help you understand the companies better, but it will also allow you to create relationships with clients, experience a range of high-value work, and increase your professional network.

When should a secondment be carried out?

A secondment can take place at any time during the training contract, however the opportunities will differ depending on the firm. Before urging an employee to accept a secondment and the additional duties that come with it, a manager should evaluate them on a personal level. Most secondments take place in the final six months of the training contract, so you'll be more seasoned when you arrive.

How long may you stay in the UK on secondment?

Secondments should generally last no more than two years. If the secondment would last more than 23 months, the arrangement must be reviewed under the Fixed Term Work (Prevention of Unfavorable Treatment) Regulations 2002.