Accounting Advice

Accounting and financial reporting now go much beyond just compliance.

Our Accounting Advisory Services team has extensive expertise working with a wide range of customers, including fully listed companies, AIM quoted firms, businesses getting ready to go public, UK subsidiaries of listed companies, as well as big and medium-sized owner-managed enterprises.

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Bespoke training

Personalised instruction, technical updates, and information on new and revised standards and upcoming developments

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In accordance with IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements, we offer infrastructure accounting.

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We offer reviews of accounting policy manuals and updates on compliance.

Reporting Features

To assist you in comprehending the complexities of the accounting standards, we offer accounting advice. We can help you in a number of key areas, including:

GAAP conversions

GAAP conversions, such as framework effect analyses and assistance with the transition to/from IFRS, UK GAAP, and US GAAP

Technical advisory

Technical recommendations and articles with opinions on complicated issues

Financial statements

Production and publication of financial statements, including flotation support and compliance reviews


The ARP consults on standards in what ways?

On every proposal, the ARP follows a policy of extensive consultation. A Discussion Paper and a Financial Reporting Exposure Draft are typically required for official consultation during the development of a new accounting standard (FRED).

What is the purpose of the Accounting and Reporting Policy (ARP)?

The role of the ARP is to oversee the financial reporting requirements for UK entities other than those required to or choosing to apply International Accounting Standards. This is done by maintaining and improving UK Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) and influencing the development of international standards. The ARP achieves this by collaborating with accounting stand-setters from other countries and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

What position does the ARP take in relation to current UK law?

The Companies Act of 1985, as amended in 2006, recognises the ARP's function of developing accounting standards.