Key Element
Commercial Assurance

Commercial assurance and business transformation are both essential components to your organisation, regardless of where you are in the business lifecycle and whether you work in the public or private sector.

Our all-encompassing strategy enables organisations to create a solid commercial foundation that will make contract management transparent and easy to understand at every stage. Through business transformation initiatives, we support shorter negotiating times, better stakeholder relations, and significant operational and financial benefits.

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Continuous examination of contractual risks and opportunities is required as your business and these contracts mature.

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Solid Framework

To maximise the value of contracts, it is critical to create a sound commercial structure with suitable controls in place.

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Holistic approach

Our comprehensive strategy enables organisations to create a solid commercial structure.

Advisory Features

We use our knowledge of contract management, project management, business transformation, and change management to help you with:

Commercial Compliance

Commercial compliance is vital for the smooth running of a business and having sound advice from commercial lawyers for compliance is essential.

Third Party relationships

We will provide you advisory on third party relationships and risk management.

Revenue Enhancement

We will provide you advisory on Revenue Enhancement and cost optimisation.


What role does commercial finance play?

The role entails developing the finest financial controls and procedures to allow non-finance departments such as sales, marketing, and distribution to streamline their expenditure and make well-informed business decisions.

Why is the United Kingdom so good at financial services?

Because of its international reach, the United Kingdom is a strong financial centre. It is the world's most connected banking hub. It is also the world's largest centre for international debt issuance, commercial insurance and reinsurance, and currency trading, as well as a significant asset management centre.

What is the most important contributor to the UK economy?

Services industries dominate the UK economy. Retail, hospitality, professional services, business administration, and finance are among them. Services industries contributed £1.7 trillion in Gross Value Added (GVA) to the UK economy in 2021, accounting for 80% of total UK GVA.