Expert Advice

Deals are essential for organisations, their shareholders, and other stakeholder groups because they may expedite transformation, spur growth, and help businesses realise value.

PHG Finance offers a full range of services to guide you through the process and give you the best chance of success, whether you are an acquirer, vendor, or financial sponsor within the framework of a deal.

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These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour when our power.

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Deal Sourcing

Our team of specialists provides assistance with deal sourcing.

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Post-deal integration

We commit to be there for you at every turn during and after the deal process.

Deal Features

Your goals are at the heart of everything our team does, and we are steadfastly committed to maximising the value that a deal creates for you.

Mergers and Acquisitions Process

Our deal experts are available to assist you throughout the complex mergers and acquisitions procedure

International Presence

We offer a distinctive combination of regional proficiency and global scope.

Cross-border teams

We are in a unique position to mobilise international teams so that your project is managed by people with the necessary skill set and industry knowledge.


How is deal advisory beneficial?

Deals helps your business grow. The foundation of our transactions process is value creation. If you engage with PHG, you'll have access to a wide range of experts to help you do this, whether you need to rebuild value after market disruptions or generate value as you adapt to changes in your sector. Come and discover how we work to create value.

What is required for a successful deal?

Knowing what to do and how to accomplish it has never been more crucial in a world where change is constant. Smart contemplation and strategic decisiveness must coexist in order to close transactions.

How does PHG help with deals?

Our interconnected, global teams are prepared to assist you in overcoming any obstacles or discovering new opportunities for development. Put thought into action and plan into practise. To help you reach your potential, we use data-driven insights, in-depth knowledge of your sector, and a wealth of deal-making expertise.