Tell your story
Financial Reporting

Good reporting provides an insight into the organisation culture. A greater emphasis has been placed on reporting quality in recent years due to tighter regulation and increasing stakeholder demands.

To express their narrative, businesses must now work harder than ever. We work with businesses to help them communicate simply and effectively, whether they are big multinationals or quickly expanding start-ups.

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Track Record

PHG Finance has a proven track record of assisting clients in exceeding and meeting the most recent corporate reporting standards.

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Financial Transparency

Many parties are calling for more financial transparency and evidence of an organization's sustainability.

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Professional Team

We assemble a group of experts who combine non-financial reporting skills with knowledge of financial reporting and accounting.

Reporting Features

The Accounting Technical Services team at PHG is available to help you with:

Accounting and financial reporting

To assist you in comprehending the complexities of the accounting standards, we offer accounting advice.

Narrative reporting

Many of the requirements make the needs for openness and good communication much broader.

Accounting assessments

In the realm of accounting, fair value accounting is becoming more and more important.


How do you address complex issues?

The team is a technical client-facing team that is famous for its pragmatic attitude when dealing with challenging technical accounting difficulties. It is dedicated to making sure that technical accounting issues are resolved as soon as possible in order to minimise last-minute surprises.

How are standard and regulations updates monitored?

We are in a good position to be proactive in advising our clients on the upcoming standards and their implications because team members regularly meet with standard setters and regulators, such as the Financial Reporting Council ("FRC"), Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"), and the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"), participate in industry working groups, and work as one global, integrated team to share knowledge and best standards and practices.

Why is reporting important?

Good reporting provides an insight into the organisational culture. A greater emphasis has been placed on reporting quality in recent years due to tighter regulation and increasing stakeholder demands. The effort required by businesses to explain their narrative has increased.