Controlled Processes

Deep transformations and technological change provide both new and unanticipated hazards as well as new chances to add value.

At PHG, we provide our clients with the information, know-how, and solutions they need to foresee and address major difficulties. We are aware that businesses must be nimble and quick to seize new opportunities.

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Resiliency in business

We take pride in our track record of enhancing client company resilience.

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We create customised risk management frameworks, methods, and controls for our clients.

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We recognise that businesses must be able to seize new possibilities quickly and nimbly.

Consulting Features

For risk management, we assist you with:

Internal audit

A dynamic approach to internal audit can help you protect your strategic vision.

Regulatory compliance

Assisting you in anticipating and responding to a changing regulatory environment

IBOR reform & insights

Making the transition to a world without (Interbank Offered Rates) IBOR possible


What are the types of risk in finance?

There are numerous ways to classify a company's financial risks. One method is to divide financial risk into four broad categories: market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.

What does a risk consultant do?

Risk consultants assess potential dangers that an organisation may encounter and devise risk-mitigation methods. A risk consultant's responsibility is to defend an organisation. The risk consultant works to keep the organisation from having problems in the future.

In finance, how do you calculate risk?

Risk, or the likelihood of a loss, can be quantified using statistical methods that have historically predicted investment risk and volatility. Risk management approaches commonly utilised include standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, and beta.