Helping Businesses

Information on all aspects of taxation to help firms and people stay current on law changes that could affect their position.

Businesses must appear to be taking proactive measures in light of the growing emphasis on tax transparency in order to avoid unwarranted scrutiny and the associated financial penalties.

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Tax insights could greatly impact company's position.

Tax Features

Tax insights provides you a sneak peak into the taxation and finance world.

Tax Governance

The Organization for Economic Development (OECD) has come under a surprisingly high degree of political pressure to convince the world to adopt a 15% minimum tax rate.

Plastic Packaging Tax

Manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging in the UK will be subject to the Plastic Packaging Tax.

New Minimum Wage Rates

Beginning on April 1, 2022, the National Minimum and National Living Wage (collectively, "NMW") rates increased.


What is this talk of a global minimum tax rate of 15%?

In April 2022, the Organization for Economic Development (OECD) has come under a surprisingly high degree of political pressure to convince the world to adopt a 15% minimum tax rate.

Is a fundamental revision of the R&D tax policy necessary?

Various opinions on the success of the UK R&D tax policy and ideas for changes, if any, have been presented in the press during the past several months. The Chancellor's 2022 Spring Statement did not call for a significant reform of the R&D system, but it also did not rule one out. It was revealed that the government was still reviewing the R&D regime with a view to making potential new announcements in the autumn. The government's reservations about whether the regime provided value for money were reaffirmed.

Is pay for NMW (National Minimum Wage) reduced?

According to Regulation 13 of the National Minimum Wage Regulations, unreimbursed expenses incurred by a worker that are "in connection with the employment" are deducted from pay for NMW reasons (2015).